Event Schedule

Friday, May 24, 2024

Xcelerate Athens

Day 4 Schedule of Events

9:00 am - 10:30 am


LT Planning (Part 1)

With the rise of renewable energy and battery storage and a push to transition from fossil fuels, planning for the future of the energy sector has never been more challenging. The LT Plan is specifically designed to address these challenges.

Key Takeaways: 

  • How the LT evaluates both capital and operating costs.
  • What is required for expansion resources in PLEXOS.


Roger Jennings
Roger Jennings
Senior Energy Market Analyst (Support)
Energy Exemplar

9:00 am - 10:00 am

Product Roadmap

Join us for a roadmap session on the future of the PLEXOS platform to learn where innovation meets energy optimization. Our product team will walk through recent improvements in PLEXOS and PLEXOS Cloud as well as talk about the future, including new Artificial Intelligence tools to help Analysts drive decisions and insights even faster.

10:00 am - 10:30 am

Interactive Session: Energy Exemplar Hackathon Review

Facilitated by the Energy Exemplar Product Team

For the past 48 hours, the Energy Exemplar Product Team has been listening, observing and taking action.

The Energy Exemplar product engineering team will be on standby all week, implementing customer-defined product improvements, live from the conference.

You'll have a chance to review and provide on-the-spot feedback as we showcase the report outs to you in real-time.

10:30 am - 11:00 am

Morning Coffee Break

11:00 am - 12:30 pm

PLEXOS Certification Training for beginners

LT Planning (Part 2)

With the rise of renewable energy and battery storage along with a push to transition from fossil fuels, planning for the future of the energy sector has never been more challenging. The LT Plan is specifically designed to address these challenges.

Key Takeaways: 

  • How to code future emissions targets into our system.
  • Investigate how the addition of emissions requirements can change the overall cost and design of the system. 


Roger Jennings
Roger Jennings
Senior Energy Market Analyst (Support)
Energy Exemplar

Interactive Session: 'Build the Backlog'

Facilitated by the Energy Exemplar Product Team

During this interactive session, collaborate with existing PLEXOS users to discuss key challenges you're facing, share best practices, and collectively brainstorm the future. Working alongside you, we’ll be there listening, documenting, and ultimately using your feedback to make our product even better for not only your organization – but for the energy community overall.

Sample topics: Decarbonization planning, Hydro modelling, Price Forecasting, Renewable Integration and Operations, Cloud Simulation and Analytics.

12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

Grab & Go Lunch