on-demand webinar

Planning for a Greener Resilient Power & Gas Network

What steps are being taken to develop an energy security strategy for governments and businesses around the world today?

On 21 April 2022, Europe's leading power and gas experts from the EBRD, ENTSOG, GSE Georgia and EMS Serbia discussed financing the transition to green energy and regional modelling and collaboration.

Topics covered include:

  • Climate finance in Europe and how the EBRD are approaching the energy transition
  • Regional gas infrastructure planning and how ENTSOG capture and model with public and proprietary data
  • ENTSOE and the TYNDP, the South Eastern Cooperation Initiative (SECI), and the impact of large RES integration with Serbia's EMS
  • What the challenges are of modelling the Georgian power system, looking in particular at the integration of wind with GSE Georgia

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