Strategy meets speed
All of the Adapt2 solutions are built on a single cloud platform enabled by the latest technologies including big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. Whether you’re looking for trade management or managing the complexities of your renewable energy portfolio, our industry-leading solutions are configured to meet your needs.
From the Adapt2 Bid-to-Bill (B2B) solution covering all aspects of power trading and power settlements in the North American energy markets complemented with our Adapt2 Trade-to-Tag (T2T) solution for power scheduling to our Adapt2 Green renewable centric solution – we have you covered for all your operational and contract management needs for using, producing and maximizing your energy assets.

Originally serving New York ISO (NYISO), ISO New England (ISONE), PJM Interconnection, Midcontinent ISO (MISO), Southwest Power Pool (SPP), Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), Alberta ISO (AESO), Ontario ISO (IESO) and California ISO (CAISO), Adapt2 has expanded its product to support emerging energy markets, such as the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), the Western Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS) market and the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM)
Adapt2 Bid-to-Bill (B2B)
Introducing one single platform for all ISOs for your Front Office and Back Office functions. Adapt2 B2B is the industry’s leading platform for power market operations designed to be fast, responsive and flexible. With AI-driven technology and energy market intelligence as a focal point, Adapt2 B2B provides a modernized approach to enterprise power trading and power settlements procedures and reporting.

> Bids
> Offers
> Auctions
> Contracts
> Schedules
> Transactions
> Awards
Essential Back Office
> Awards
> Production Month
> Prior Period Adjustments
> Settlement Statements
> Invoice Review
Advanced Back Office
> Accounting Month
> Profit and Loss
> Allocations
> Invoice Compass
> Shadow Settlements
> PPA/Contract Settlements
> Renewable Energy Credits
Energy Accounting
> Meter Data Management
> Meter Calculations
> Meter Groups
Advanced Front Office
> Offer Calculator
> Offer Verification
> Virtual Trader
> Outage Scheduling
> Accelerator
> Profit and Loss
> Unit Capabilities
> Unit Commitment
> Forecasting
> Dispatch Optimization
> C&I Portal
Plant Portal
> Empower Dashboard
> Unit Capability Dashboard
> Dispatch Blotter
Outage Management
> Outage Scheduling
> Outage Workflow
> Outage Planning
Member Billing
> Invoice Management
> Meter Setup/Management
> Rate Setup/Management
> Member Data Management
> Front to Back Office connection
> Profit & loss analytics native to solution
> Machine learning enabled
> Real-time sub-hourly profit & loss
> Built-in spreadsheet tools
> Plant to Front Office connection
> Real time performance updates and analytics
> Artificial Intelligence enabled
> Configurable calculation engines
> Deployment options
> Complete process workflow automation
> Big data lake supported
Adapt2 Trade-to-Tag (T2T)
Adapt2 T2T is the next-generation trade-to-tag power scheduling solution supporting risk management systems and straight through scheduling. The core components of Adapt2 T2T include Trade Capture, Tagging, and Power Scheduling. T2T is built within the overall Adapt2 platform to take advantage of B2B connection and overall enabling technologies of Tahoe and AI or Tahoe and Atlas.

> Options & Swap
> Cross-Commodity Configuration
> Trade Scheduling
> Trade Bookout
> Trade Allocation
> Tagging
> ICE Trades
> Straight-through scheduling
> Valuation and MtM built-in
> Machine learning enabled
> Microsoft Excel built-in
> Complete front office workflows and automation
> Day-ahead and real time trade support
> Artificial Intelligence enabled
> Complete process workflow automation
> Flexible and usable system architecture
> Big data lake supported
Adapt2 Green
Going green has never been this easy. Adapt2 Green extends the Adapt2 platform enabled by AI and Big Data to manage the complexities of contracting, operating, interfacing and settling renewable generation and energy storage assets. The core components of Adapt2 Green include REC Management, Contract Management, Resource Allocation, PPA Settlement, and Dispatch Optimization. Adapt2 Green can be standalone or deployed with Adapt2 B2B and/or Adapt2 T2T to deliver full ISO market and trade connectivity.

> Renewable Energy Credit (REC) management
> Renewable Energy Credit (REC) interface
> Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) management
> Manage all sustainable energy data in a single solution
> Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) settlement
> Forecasting
> Capacity & contract management
> Dispatch optimization
> Hydrogen modeling & management
> Carbon-free trade management
> Solar/Battery coordination
> Resource allocation analytics
> Carbon-free trades
> Trade capture
> Contract settlement
> Greenhouse Gas (GHG) analytics & reporting
> Resource adequacy management
- Seamless REC registry connect and management
- Optimized solar and battery optimization
- Complete system of Record for all Green Energy Data
- Management of all data in a single interface
- REC registry connectivity, that directly looks into WREGIS or other registries and pulls data into your system of truth for enhanced analytics
- One-click functionality for REC inventory management
- Microsoft Excel built-in
- Full contract management and settlement
- Ease of use for scalability
- AI-driven to help drive strategic decision making
- Complete trade to settlement workflow
- One-click functionality for REC inventory management
- A single system of truth for renewable energy data
- Ability to Integrate into multiple systems
- Supported by Adapt2’s Tahoe Data Lake to handle large volumes of data for speed of use
- Automatically generate RECs from generation data
- Automate trades coming from the registries with an ongoing data pull at real-time frequencies
- The ability to initiative the transfer and retirement of RECs with a single click and submit these actions to registries
Adapt2 Anything
Adapt2 is a premier provider of energy software solutions for market participants in the energy industry. Enabled by the latest and current software technologies, Adapt2’s platform and our solutions span all parts of the energy organization from Front Office to Back Office and from Plants/Assets to IT departments.
Front Office
Essential Front Office
For basic power market operations, Adapt2 covers all needed market connectivity and submission/retrieval functions on a single platform for all power markets and energy exchanges. Adapt2’s Front Office module is supported by advanced cloud-native technology including our Tahoe Data Lake which enhances speed of accessing data for energy operations
Key features include: Bids, Offers, Auctions, Contracts, Schedules, Transactions, Awards
Advanced Front Office
Advanced Front Office users are able to further their automation initiatives through our Bid Accelerator toolkit and provide more robust financial reports with Profit & Loss reporting.
Other Key Features include:
> Schedule a Demo
> Offer Calculator
> Offer Verification
> Virtual Trader
> Outage Scheduling
> Accelerator
> Profit and Loss
> Unit Capability
> Unit Commitment
> Forecasting Adapt2 Green
> Dispatch Optimization Adapt2 Green
> C&I Portal -
Trade Management
Main components include Trade Capture, Confirmations, Exchange Integration and Trade-2-Tag scheduling. Adapt2’s fully-accessible platform enables users to automate trades from generation assets and energy tags.
Other Features Include:
> Trade Capture
> ICE Trades
> Options and Swaps
> Cross-Commodity Configuration
> Trade Scheduling
> Trade Bookout
> Trade Allocation
> Tagging
Back Office
Essential Back Office
For basic market operations, Adapt2 covers all needed market settlement and retrieval functions on a single platform for all ISOs.
Features Include:
> Awards
> Production Month
> Prior Period Adjustments
> Settlement Statements
> Invoice Review -
Advanced Back Office
Features supporting Back Office strategies:
> Accounting Month
> Profit and Loss
> Allocations
> Invoice Compass
> Shadow Settlements
> PPA/Contract Settlements
> Renewable Energy Credits -
Energy Accounting
Adapt2’s Energy Accounting specializes in volumetric based activity covering regulated and deregulated energy needs. With the ability to group, track, submit, integrate, allocate, settle and invoice based on multiple meter data sources, internal accounting operations will be more automated with increased data quality. Adapt2 easily connect to trading and accounting systems to automate the flow of quantity and fee data to your systems of record.
Features include:
> Meter Data Management
> Meter Calculations
> Meter Groups -
Member Billing
Adapt2 Member Billing provides users a turnkey solution to take energy readings directly from ITRON or other storage instrument, aggregate them into volumes per month and then compute the charges for Energy, Generation Demand, and Transmission Demand. The module also enables users to set up other charges and credits that occur once a billing cycle or are one off charges.
Features Include:
> Meter Data Management
> Meter Calculations
> Meter Groups
Plant Assets
Plant Portal
Connect operators to schedulers with Adapt2’s Plant Portal. Adapt2’s Plant Portal synchronizes plant data to and from the trading desk.
Features include:
> Empower Dashboard
> Unit Capability Portal
> Dispatch Blotter -
Dispatch Blotter
Quickly enter verbal dispatch instructions with timestamps, dispatcher and dispatch reason. Generate reports on logged dispatches. Reason codes and dispatch flags are all user-configurable.
Outage Management
A comprehensive Outage Scheduling System that makes commercial decisions and communication between the commercial business and plant operators easier.
Submit and synchronize outage tickets with any outage management system (ISO or third-party) in one easy-to-use interface. Easily report on historical, current and future outages. Manage capacity (RA), Connect to Bid Accelerator, Unit Capability, and Empower Dashboard to ensure unit bids and schedules factor in all outages and derates.
Features include:
> Outage Scheduling
> Outage Workflow
> Outage Planning
Scalable Technology
Scalable technologies allow for rapid updates of both the software as well as the computer and storage resources. When the power grid sees more interruptible supply and demand, it is imperative that the technology can scale up and down the same way. Adapt2’s Kubernetes orchestrated containers allows for unparalleled flexibility.
Big Data (Tahoe)
Using a big data lake for both private and public data provides the foundation for AI/ML. Our data lake allows for data collection and retention in formats that are open and adaptable as both structured and unstructured data loads grow. The data is not being held hostage but open and available to use.
Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
Different problem formulations require the appropriate toolset. Using machine and deep learning algorithms, Adapt2 is able to harvest knowledge in the big data lake to support better and more optimized decision making.
Accelerated Services
Adapt2 utilizes accelerated service technologies and deployment methods to deliver a scalable and secure system. This allows for easy scalability in both directions, enabling deployment options from a development laptop to a multi-node cluster. With a focus on containerized applications, microservices, and efficient infrastructure management, Adapt2 follows agile DevOps and continuous delivery workflows.
Hear from Adapt2 clients
Adapt2 Solutions was brought in to replace a legacy system and it has been 1,000% better

Adapt2 ISO enables quick and easy transparency to the most granular level of ISO settlements. This allows Just Energy to efficiently and effectively use this data to calibrate models and explain results of operations.

With Adapt2 Solutions, we are able to provide full market integration and open accessibility to tagging data to strategically digest high volumes of transactional details and optimize positions within a few clicks.

Adapt2 Solutions serve as the eyes and ears of the energy markets