
Non-Thermal Accreditation Reform & Regional Resource Assessment

The Midwestern Independent System Operator, MISO, is one of the United States’ Independent System Operators, or Regional Transmission Operators. It is a not-for-profit and member-based organization with three main objectives: managing high voltage electricity flow across their fifteen member states and Manitoba, the Canadian province, facilitating one of the largest energy markets in the world – more than $40 billion in transactions go through the MISO markets every year, and, planning the grid of the future.

Use Cases

  • Resource Adequacy
  • Resource Expansion
  • Market Design and Policy
  • Regulatory Analysis
Midwest barn-1


MISO's Non-Thermal Accreditation & Regional Resource Assessment


Case Study

MISO Uses PLEXOS to Find Wind-Hydro Synergy with Manitoba Hydro

Looking to integrate resources that would solve for the challenges caused by the intermittent and non-peaking nature of MISO's wind generation capacity, the ISO used PLEXOS to evaluate a transmission line connecting to Manitoba Hydro. 

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