Regional Power Datasets for PLEXOS®
All power datasets come with a pre-configured backcast year of hourly model results, demonstrating the model's accuracy. In North America and Europe, the datasets also come with long-term capacity build-out and corresponding power price forecast covering a 10 to 25-year horizon.
Model with Confidence
Energy Exemplar datasets are pre-configured market models allowing users to run analyses with lower start-up costs and unmatched data accuracy. Run analysis such as:
- Long-term and short-term power price formation
- Transmission congestion
- Fuel consumption and budgeting
- Valuation of new generation projects for both renewable and thermal generators
- Timing of new resource additions and retirement decisions
- Impact of generator and transmission outages, and more

North American Datasets are available for
- PLEXOS for zonal or nodal analysis covering ERCOT, WECC and EIC.
- Aurora for zonal analysis covering ERCOT, WECC and EIC.
North American datasets include a 20+ year price forecast for 139 areas, incorporating over 26,000 generators with unique operating characteristics.
With our North American Datasets you'll be able to:
- Understand the impact of new generators and load growth on power prices
- Run you own sensitivities and cases on top of our benchmarked Simulation Ready Datasets
- Understand congestion and LMPs with our nodal product

North American Datasets include:
- 20+ year price forecast for 139 areas
- Over 26,000 generators with unique operating characteristics
- Approximately 120,000 nodal buses modeled
- Model-driven generator resource expansion plan
- 43 natural gas hub forecasts for gas generators
- Plant-specific coal forecasts
- Up-to-date demand forecasts created using ISO and other available data
- Solar rating factors for fixed and tracking axis technologies
- Unique hourly wind shapes for 95 wind regions with three unique wind classifications for each configuration
- A detailed set of release notes with each new dataset
- Mappings of generators to those within other major reports (CELT, Gold Book, CDR, WECC ADS, etc.)
- Hydro generation by plant with detailed monthly regional hydro shapes based on EIE-923 data since 2008
- CO2, NOx, SOx and HG using the latest existing environmental programs
Sources Include:
- Power plants are derived using EIA, EPA, ISO and independent research
- Fuel forecasts from Annual Energy Outlook and Short-Term Energy Outlook by the EIA
- New generator characteristics derived from EIA Table 8.2 and expanded upon through Energy Exemplar analysis
- Transmission links are nodally informed and enhanced using the latest power flow planning reports (e.g.: MMWG, SSWG, etc…)
- Hourly demand shapes for each area sourced from FERC 714 and other sources
- Solar rating factors were derived from the NREL System Advisor Model (SAM v2016.3.14)
- Hourly wind rating factors were derived from NREL’s Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit
- ISO, EIA, EPA, NERC and FERC data and reports where appropriate
The Simulation Ready Latin America Dataset includes a 15 to 30 year price forecast for 53 zones, incorporating over 600 generators with unique operating characteristics.

- Horizon: 14 years
- Real hourly demand obtained from the actual operation from the system for the 9 regions
- Forecasted demand by region used by SENER for modelling the system for PRODESEN. That data is directly obtained from PRODESEN.
- Generation capacity data used by SENER for modelling the system. This was lastly updated by SENER in 2018.
- Horizon: 4 years
- Electric system with 126 generators and 58 georeferenced nodes.
- Contains modeling of 8 reservoirs with turbine efficiency tables.
- Modeling of 25 hydrological samples, with which stochastic analysis is performed with SDDP methodology.
- Transmission constraints modeled with dynamic blocks.
- Contains the offers of the EOR countries, modeled as an equivalent generator.
- Horizon: 6 years.
- Electricity system with 473 generators, 940 transmission lines and 166 georeferenced nodes.
- Modeling of 50 hydrological samples, with which stochastic analyses are performed with SDDP and Monte Carlo methodology.
- Contains modeling of 79 reservoirs with turbine efficiency tables.
- Horizon: up to 1 year.
- Resolution: 3 to 48 blocks a day.
- 2,196 Generators, 162 Storages and 6-Nodes.
- Hydro-thermal model.
- Deterministic demand.
- Deterministic renewable generation.
- FCF from DECOMP.
- Input and output source: CCEE.
- Horizon: 3 years.
- Electricity system with 207 generators (considering short-term parameters in thermoelectric power plants) and 166 georeferenced nodes.
- Modeling of short-term restrictions.
- Modeling of 60 hydrological samples, with which stochastic analyses are performed with Monte Carlo methodology.
- Includes modeling of the entire Peru watershed.
- Horizon: 23 years.
- Generation system, transmission lines and operating plants complete by 2021.
- Transmission and generation works plan determined by the Chilean ISO for the next 23 years.
- 889 generators, 242 reservoirs and 394 transmission lines with voltage ranges 66 to 500 kV.
- Includes modeling of irrigation constraints characteristic of the Chilean electrical system.
- Modeling of 59 hydrological samples, with which stochastic analyses are performed with the SDDP methodology.
Our Simulation Ready Datasets are available to support PLEXOS models across Europe.
European datasets include a forecast to 2050 for 47 bidding zones, designed to be easily customized and provide a quick start for PLEXOS modelers.
With our European Datasets you’ll be able to:
- Understand the impact of the energy transition and low carbon economy on electricity generation, capacity mix, wholesale market prices, interconnector flows, emissions, storage and other fundamental drivers
- Run your own sensitivities and cases on top of our benchmarked Simulation Ready Datasets
- Understand market-coupling between electricity, hydrogen and gas markets

European Dataset Specifications
European Datasets Include:
- Forecast to 2050 for 35 countries
- 49 bidding zones with interconnectors
- Over 3,000 generators and storage facilities modeled with detailed operating characteristics for thermal units
- Weather years and automated capacity expansion to support scenario analysis
Our Simulation Ready Datasets are available to Our Simulation Ready Datasets are available for Australia NEM, Australia WEM, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Singapore.

Asia Pacific Dataset Specifications
Australia NEM:
- Bid-based model
- Full list of generation, nodes & companies operating
- Solar & Wind ratings included
- One region and node for 5 regions
- New developments & ratings for existing generation for ten years
- Includes offer quantities & bids for generators (as published by AEMO)
- Transmission limits modelled as per physical & system operator constraints
Australia WEM:
- Bid-based model
- One region, 11 zones, 11 Nodes with 10 lines
- Load forecasting, generation profiles & maintenance, outage rates available
- All companies operating modelled
- Data as of 2022 with a 20 year horizon
- Provides generation & associated fuel prices
- Model of the 9 interconnected zones, plus Okinawa
- 2022-2041 Long-Term Capacity Expansion model and Long-Term Price forecast
- 3 Regions (for each island group), 9 zones with 1194 nodes
- Load forecasting, generation profiles & maintenance, outage rates available
- Full list of generation, nodes & companies operating
- Transmission & generation lines
South Korea:
- Snapshot dataset (no future generation or demand)
- Solar and Wind ratings included
- Provides generation and associated fuel prices
- Single region and node for the area
- Bid based/Cost based dataset
New Zealand:
- Bid based, three regions/three nodes with one node for each region
- Load forecasting, generation profiles and maintenance and outage rates available
- Offer limits implemented
- 40 years build-out
- Full list of generation, nodes and companies operating
- Solar and Wind ratings included
- Single generation and demand node
- Cost-based dataset
- Cost-based dataset
- Full list of generation, nodes and companies operating
- Load forecasting, generation profiles and maintenance and outage rates available
- Long term capacity expansion plan included (20 years)
- Reserves market modelled
- A fundamental view of Indian Electricity Market drivers - supply, demand, new generation, retirement, outages
- A detailed market simulation
- Historical calibration – back cast against market actual data
- Out-of-the-box forecast scenarios of potential market outcomes to Fiscal Year 2024
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